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A day in the life
There’s no such thing as a ‘typical day’ for InForm and Pleysier Perkins. Every project presents a unique set of challenges, embraced collectively on the building site and in the meeting room. Here we share some of these daily interactions, peeking inside the worlds of both builder and architect.
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A place beyond the dunes
Set amongst the sand dunes adjacent to national parkland in Blairgowrie some 600 metres beyond the roaring swell of the ocean lies Montfort House.
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A shared vision
East End Treehouse is one of those homes that simply exudes warmth. So, it comes as no surprise then, that the very foundation of the relationship built between client and design team was characterised by trust, a shared vision and a mutual understanding.
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Down the garden path
Before one even brushes up against the impressive, large timber door that leads you into Camperdown, it's already clear that you've arrived in a place of sanctuary.
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It’s their home
For Christine and Peter Angelini, waking up in the home where they live with their children Selena, Romeo, and Louis, still brings so much joy some three years after moving in.
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While visiting newly completed homes is undoubtedly one of the most inspiring and rewarding components of what we do, the one thing that surpasses it is revisiting a house that’s been lived in; a home that’s come to life in the years since our team painstakingly created and worked through every last detail.
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Family first
InForm’s special sense of familial connection is often mentioned by our clients. From inside the office, where many of our full-time staff have been employees for over a decade, to the family businesses that have been on our sites for 20 years, this sense of kinship permeates all aspects of the business.
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Walking on a dream
From the valley of a cul-de-sac, Alexander emerges, subtle in material but imposing in form. A double-height entry is the first nod to the sense of loft and sculpture that awaits in the interior.
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Materiality matters
Behind the veil of the palm trees that existed long before the home was a sketch on yellowtrace, The Palms emerges as a fresh piece of architecture that reflects the family that it was created for.
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